Being the type who recoils at the sight of a slimy bar of Imperial Leather and synthetically-fragranced bottles of coloured gloop, I am always on the look out for a good, foaming toxin-free shower gel.
So when I came across Dr Berry's fabulously fruity bathtime offering I was rather jubilant indeed and developed a sudden yearning to swathe myself in a glorious mass of berry bubbles.
Made by the same people (I assume Dr Berry himself doesn't exist, as mournful as this thought may be) who made the antioxidant-rich Blueberry Fruit Punch - the posh, wholesome Ribena (see my post on Revital's birthday event), this bubbling body wash is quite the find.
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Dr Berry Blueberry Body Wash - its berry good. |
Containing the 'antioxidising strength of superfruits', this product smells like blueberry bubblegum and foams delightfully, transforming morning showers into a happy bubble of escapism, perfect before delving into the rampant onslaught of city life.
Yet again dear readers, I urge you to stay away from generic, mass-produced shower gels which grace the supermarket shelves, beckoning you with their garish packaging and cheap prices.
The foaming agents typically used in these delinquents of the cleansing world are derived from toxic chemicals that are actually harmful to the skin and have been proven to cause all manner of troublesome allergies and ailments.
Scan the ingredients of your favourite shower gel (and even your face wash and toothpaste) and you will see the common culprits are Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES).
These foaming agents are chemically known as surfactants and have been clinically proven to be absorbed into the skin, thus potentially causing disastrous effects. They are also regularly used in car washes and engine degreasers (lovely!).
The Journal of The American College of Toxicology published a report in the 80's proving that concentrations of these toxic ingredients as low as 0.5% could irritate skin and concentrations of 10-30% could cause skin corrosion.
The possible side effects of these evil foamsters are numerous and include hormone imbalances (by mimicking the effects of oestrogen and lowering sperm count), eye irritation, eye deformities in children and even carcenogenicity (the potential to cause cancer).
Although the risks can be argued to be small, do we really want to risk causing such detrimental effects to our health when we can simply smother ourselves in the gorgeous, innocent bubbles produced by natural products such as Dr Berry's Blueberry Wash?
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This cruelty-free, vegan body wash is free from parabens, DEA, MEA and phthalates and instead of toxic SLS/SLES, contains a natural foaming agent lovingly derived from wholesome coconut (sodium coco-sulfate).
Our showers should be havens of pure pampering bliss, not toxic torture chambers that on a daily basis increase our risk of developing a horrible skin irritation or something a lot more sinister...
Dr Berry's Blueberry Wash can be bought from the fantastic health store Revital, who always have a joyous abundance of natural and organic skincare.
Great Blog post. I love such stuff that are all about their fragrances. raspberry bubble bath